We are excited to introduce a new blog series here at Foxy: Retailer Spotlights! This series shines a light on some of our favourite retailers carrying Foxy Originals jewellery across Canada. We believe that nothing can replace the intimate experience of boutique shopping, so we've decided to introduce to our readers our personal favourite boutiques.
Megan Szanik is the owner of both Espy Experience and Canadian Fashion Experience (CFX), both of which we are proud to say carry Foxy Originals. We decided to interview Megan on life, her stores, her experience in the fashion world, and of course, Foxy!
Espy Experience, Calgary
What inspired you to open Espy?
Megan: Many years in the fashion industry on the supplier side of the business, tons of contacts and a gap in the market for something like espy: personal, affordable, more east coast than west coast, and service oriented. I wanted to bring a bit of the east to Calgary when I moved here. It was a natural fit for me to open a boutique here in 2009.
What unique attribute does Espy have that attracts customers?
Megan: We are a service based business with only professional fashion stylists working here. We specialize in helping women and men feel good in their clothing (and not just wear the latest trend). We have specialty sizing and items here to accomplish this - like over 200 styles of jeans.
What was your first job? Name one thing it taught you about being a business owner?
Megan: My first job in retail was at Suzy Shier in Prince George, BC when I was in high school (1992). I learned how to wax racks to keep them smooth, something I still do to this day.
My first gruelling job on the supplier side of the business was at Lithium Manufacturing in Montreal (1999). That taught me how to NOT run a business. It was a tough 9 months but those lessons I learned about how not to treat people, suppliers, and customers, have stayed with me forever.
What is one thing that everyone wants in Espy but is not for sale?
Megan: Bruno the basset hound.
When you are not at Espy/CFX, what is one thing you love doing?
Megan: Travelling anywhere around the world to stay inspired and connected to people.
What is your favourite Foxy piece that you carry? Why do you love it?
Megan: I love the ear jackets, it’s a great trend for our clients. There are two ways to wear them (with or without jacket), so when you have a client that wants to step out of their box a little, the ear jackets are a great product to make her feel safe doing so.
If you were to describe Espy in one word, what would it be and why?
Megan: LOVE. Espy is an experience because you feel it- the positive energy and the love in each interaction with a client. We make people feel good.
Canadian Fashion Experience, Banff
What inspired you to open CFX?
Megan: I wanted to share Canadian Fashion and Design with the world that comes to the Rocky Mountains.
What unique attribute does CFX have that attracts customers?
Megan: Being all Canadian in a tourist town is amazing, and the locals also love the fact that we are 100% Canadian!
What is your favourite Foxy piece that you carry at CFX? Why do you love it?
Megan: Our new Canada Day Maple Leaf Studs and Bangles! They are the perfect mini "Made in Canada" take home for our international guests.
If you were to describe CFX in one word, what would it be and why?
Megan: NICE- it’s all Canadian. So sorry... we are just nice!